Is the test hard? How long do you need to study for? Where do i get information about courses? Are their mock exams available? Does it cost a fortune? I don’t have time to study during the day…………

These are all things that nearly every radio amateur has heard from some people trying to get into the hobby. But don’t worry we as a community are here to help. As you progress on your radio journey you will meet lots of amateur radio users who are willing to help, share and pass on their wealth on knowledge.

There are 3 different levels of exams you can take. The foundation exam which gives you the basic knowledge and amateur call sign to allow you to legally transmit on the amateur bands. The intermediate exam which builds on this knowledge even further and upon passing this exam you will receive a new intermediate call sign. The final exam is the full exam which gives you more privileges than the foundation and intermediate.

Although there is three exams some people will sit the first or first and second and are quite happy to stay at that level. It all depends on how much you want to progress your own knowledge and what you would like to do in the hobby.

You’ve made it this far so please keep scrolling and find a way that suits your learning type and how to book the exam. You might even find a few mock exams to download and practice in the downloads page of this site.

There are a few ways that your can learn the basics that you need to pass your foundation exam. You could reach out to a fellow ham, talk to your local ham club, do your own research or like i did visit Essex Ham. ( This is a great starting point and the best thing its free too. Their online courses can be done over three weeks from the comfort of your own home at your own pace. If you think you have a good grasp already then why not take their fast track course.

Just sign up on this page and start learning. After you’ve finished the course and brushed up on anything your not sure about then you can take your foundation level test.

Between sites like this, Essex Ham, the RSGB Foundation booklet, YouTube and the massive community of amateur enthusiasts then you will have no problem getting that first test done. The best thing is you can now also do the test from the comfort of your own home online.

Although Essex Ham is free they would like a small donation if you feel that is possible to help keep the site up and running and to be able to provide this information.

Another great resource for learning is the foundation course from GM6DX. Click here to visit the website and learn at your own pace.

This is also brought to you free of charge and has lots of information so that you can pass your foundation exam with all the information that you need.

There are easy to follow stages as you progress your learning and mock exams too!

Click on the link above or the image to the right to get started

There are many other resources out there to learn the basics. You just need to pick one that suits you and your learning style.

YouTube, Other HAM’s, books, internet, Apps… etc

Just remember don’t rush, when you feel your ready then follow the steps below and get that test booked!

Please remember there can be a wait for tests and some people (like myself) will book the test whilst learning to give you a date to aim for rather than it being an open ended date. As in some circumstances when doing the online test you can wait up to 2/3 weeks in some cases.

Please bear that in mind when you start.

The Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) is the national membership organisation for amateur radio enthusiasts. The society was first founded in 1913.The Society is dedicated to the development of the science and practice of amateur radio. It works to increase awareness and understanding of amateur radio and to make the hobby accessible to everyone. Amateur radio licences were issued to the first UK radio amateurs in 1934. The RSGB represents the interests of UK licensed radio amateurs and is a not-for-profit organization. Click here to find out more.

Once you are ready to sit your exam then you can click here.

The online exam is simple to set up and straight forward. You just need a computer/laptop.

There is a booking fee of £35.50 for the foundation exam. When you pass the exam (depending what day you sit the exam) there will be a small wait until you get your certificate through.

Once you receive this you can head to the Ofcom site and apply for your call sign by clicking here.

Once you pass and you have your call sign then you can start having fun in the world of radio. One great thing about this hobby is there is so much you can do.

VHF, UHF, HF, SOTA, FT8, POTA, Digital modes, SSTV etc …

Learn and have a go at everything until you find the direction you’d like to learn more about.

Amateur radio has a great community and we are all here to help.

Get the test done, pic up the mic and say hello. You never know who you will talk too.

If you would like any more information added to this page or the site in general then please get in touch and we will do our best to add what the community wants.